
The service "Let’s Talk Money" covers only Caerphilly Some services only apply to certain counties. Please contact us for more information.

Let’s Talk Money

Our Let’s Talk Money Service, in partnership with Caerphilly County Borough Council, offers tailored debt, benefits, housing and money management support to families and individuals. We have a team of specialist debt, welfare benefits and financial capability advisers to help with a range of issues. They work with families and individuals on a one-to-one basis to give them the tools they need to manage their money better and improve their overall well being.

Our specialist debt advisers will assess their individual circumstances and get a clear understanding of how much is owed to creditors. They will help them to understand what their rights and responsibilities are when they are struggling to pay their debts. Advisers will then determine what the best course of action is to deal with the debts. This might be through offering token payments to creditors, arranging an affordable repayment plan, or other debt management solutions such as a Debt Relief Order or Bankruptcy.

Specialist welfare benefits advisers will look at individual circumstances and ensure that people are receiving the right amount of benefits they are entitled to. If they identify benefits that someone might be entitled to, they will support them to make the application and will work with them until they receive their first payments. They can help with Personal Independence Payments, Child Disability Living Allowance, Council Tax reductions and more.

Our financial capability advisers are qualified tutors who work with families and individuals to help them manage their money better. We provide resources that offer practical tips and support to help them develop a workable budget.